JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) stated that the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) was carried out to get rid of employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Komnas HAM commissioner Choirul Anam said the removed employees were those who had been labeled the Taliban from the start.

"The process of changing the status of KPK employees to ASN through the TWK assessment until the inauguration on June 1, 2021 is strongly suspected as a form of getting rid of certain employees with certain backgrounds, especially those who are stigmatized or labeled as Taliban," said Anam when reading the results of the report on alleged human rights violations. held online, Monday, August 16.

The labeling of the Taliban is aimed at KPK employees who work professionally so that they cannot be controlled by any party. Thus, labeling or stigmatizing cannot be accounted for, factually and legally and is considered a form of human rights violation.

"Even though the institutional character of the KPK or the internal KPK refers to the institution's code of ethics, it actually provides space to be critical in carrying out internal control and law enforcement work in eradicating corruption," said Anam.

Furthermore, he also mentioned that the implementation of the TWK Assessment as a condition for the transfer of employee status was not merely to carry out the mandate of the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019. According to Anam, the test actually had another intention, namely removing certain employees from the KPK.

"The implementation of the law is used as a momentum to confirm the existence of stigma and labels within the KPK internally," said Anam.

Previously reported, Komnas HAM stated that there were 11 human rights that were violated in the implementation of the TWK of KPK employees. The eleven rights that have been violated are the right to justice and legal certainty; women's rights; the right not to discriminate; the right to freedom of religion and belief; right to work; and the right to security.

The next right that is violated is the right to information; right to privacy; the right to freedom of assembly and association; the right to participate in government; and the right to freedom of expression.

The final report was made after Komnas HAM received a complaint from a KPK employee who was declared to have failed in the TWK assessment process. In the process, there were 23 employees of the anti-corruption commission who were questioned whether they passed or did not pass.

In addition, Komnas HAM also asked for information from other parties, including the KPK leadership, represented by the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron. Not only that, the KPK also studied the evidence received in the form of documents related to the implementation of the TWK assessment as a condition for the transfer of employment status.

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