Dozens Of Langkat Flag-Raising Troop Members Confirmed Positive For COVID-19

MEDAN - 23 members of the Langkat Regency Flag-Raising Troop (Paskibra) who served at the 76th Indonesian Independence Anniversary ceremony were reported to have tested positive for COVID-19.

The spokesperson for the Langkat COVID-19 Task Force, Dr. Zulkifli Azhar, said that dozens of Paskibra members had been isolated.

"Yes (23 members of Paskibra have been exposed to COVID-19), they are being isolated", said Zulkifli, Monday, August 16.

Zulkifli explained that all Paskibra members underwent a PCR swab test, Saturday, August 14. As a result, 23 people were confirmed positive for COVID-19.

"For the tracing, all of our paskibra members underwent swab tests, 23 of them, were found positive. Of course, they can't be in the ceremony process and isolated them, they are not allowed to go anywhere", explained Zulkifli.

Zulkifli said that on advice from the Langkat District COVID-19 Task Force, all Paskibra activities were temporarily suspended to suppress the spread of the coronavirus.

"Our suggestion is that the paskibra activities should be stopped first", he said.

With this condition, Zulkifli explained that the possibility of holding an independence day ceremony in Langkat Regency was cancelled. However, it is waiting for a decree from the Regent of Langkat, Terbit Rencana Perangin-angin.

"Because we are on Level III Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). The ceremony will be held online. However, there has been no letter from the Regent whether or not the ceremony will take place. The morning ceremony (ASN) has been cancelled. It is possible that the ceremony will be cancelled", said Zulkifli.

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