JAKARTA – Derry Neo, who stumbled upon a marijuana case, is currently undergoing legal proceedings. Derry Neo's attorney, Adriel Viari Purba is currently preparing to submit an assessment and rehabilitation for his client.

Adriel said that Derry Neo's role was believed to be only as a drug user, not part of the circulation network, so he should be rehabilitated.

"We will apply for assessment and rehabilitation because we believe Derry is a user. Under the law, users must be rehabilitated," said Adriel quoting Antara, Sunday, August 15.

Adriel also explained that his client had indeed used these prohibited items, but after getting married Derry decided to stop using drugs

"Repent in the sense of stopping completely because you are married. Maybe because of the effects of this pandemic, there is no 'job' at all, so you go back to using marijuana-type narcotics. I have asked directly," he said.

Previously, South Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Head AKBP Wadi Sa'Bani said Derry Neo was unlikely to undergo rehabilitation because he was suspected of being linked to a drug trafficking network.

"This means that if they enter the distribution network, usually the recommendation is withheld, the process is detained," said Wadi.

The South Jakarta Metro Police named Deo Nerry as a suspect in marijuana abuse along with two other people, namely RS and HB on Friday, August 6. Of the three, the police secured evidence weighing 59.8 grams of marijuana.

For these actions, the three were charged with Article 114, Article 111 paragraph 1, and Article 132 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

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