JAKARTA - The Annual Session of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia and the State Speech of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo in commemoration of the 76th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as the Joint Session of the DPR RI and DPD RI will be held Monday, August 16.

Secretary General of the DPR RI Indra Iskandar said the implementation of the MPR RI Annual Session was carried out in a simple manner by implementing strict health protocols.

Indra Iskandar then gave an example of the implementation of strict procedures on the submission of financial notes by the President no longer in paper form but flashdisk.

"Last year, the state budget memorandum was in paper form, although it was not touched by the president and the chairman of the DPR. However, this year it is in the form of a flash drive that is put in a box," said Indra at the MPR/DPR/DPD RI Building, Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Sunday, 15 August.

Indra said that the implementation of the three agendas of last year's session was minimal, with only 380 people in the room. However, this year it will be very simple and minimalist, which is attended by 60 people, including VVIPs.

The reading of financial notes, which is usually held during the day, this year is the morning after the Annual Session of the MPR RI and the Joint Session of the DPR/DPD RI.

"This is to show that we really care about health protocols, even if they are implemented very strictly. That is a significant difference that the public needs to know," he said.

For invited guests who attend virtually, he continued, the number is planned to be around 1,500 people. That number consists of invitees using access and through streaming.

"There are around 1,000 virtual access people and more than 500 streaming people because there are people from regions like the regional heads we invited," he said.

Present at the rehearsal were the Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo, the Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI Arsul Sani, the Deputy MPR RI Fadel Muhammad, the Chairperson of the DPD RI LaNyalla Mattalitti, the Deputy Speaker of the DPR RI Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, the Deputy Speaker of the DPR RI Azis Syamsuddin, and the Deputy Speaker of the DPR RI. Chairman of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, Rachmat Gobel.

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