JAKARTA – Jerinx finally landed in Jakarta. His presence was to fulfill the summons of the Resmob investigators from the Polda Metro Jaya, Friday, August 13. Wearing red clothes, the musician whose full name is I Gede Ari Astina was accompanied by his wife, Nora Alexandra and his lawyer.
Jerinx ensured that his stay at Polda Metro Jaya was not due to coercion, as reported by a number of media.
"There is no forced pick-up, that's because I am not fully qualified for the vaccine." short Jerinx before reporters, Friday 13 August.
In addition to ensuring that he is in good health, Jerinx also said that his presence at the Metro Police was to fulfill the examination as a suspect in the alleged threat case as reported by Adam Deni.
The Jerinx case stems from his feud with Adam Deni on social media. Adam reported Jerinx because he felt he was being threatened.
After going through the legal process, Polda Metro Jaya finally named Jerinx as a suspect. In the first call, through a letter sent, Jerinx was not present. Jerinx reasoned that at that time it was indeed impossible to come to Jakarta by air.
Until this news was revealed, Jerinx was still under investigation by officers.
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