SURABAYA - Intensive health workers (nakes) in the city of Surabaya finally given 100 percent intact, previously health workers only received 75 percent intensive alias not intact.

The Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, said that in 2020 the health worker incentive was paid in full according to the highest amount, while starting in January 2021 the health worker was only given 75 percent of the maximum incentive.

This is based on the Decree of the Minister of Health No. 01.07/MENKES/4239/2021, that the amount of health workers incentives can be adjusted to the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) of each region.

"Yesterday, my friends asked for 75 percent. This is adjusted to the capabilities of each region at that time," said Eri, in Surabaya, Friday, August 13.

Eri Cahyadi explained, when there is an increase in Regional Original Income (PAD), he wants its use to be prioritized for health workers for COVID-19 services. So that the remaining 25 percent of the health worker incentive payment can be immediately disbursed.

"Alhamdulillah, there is an additional incentive, we give it to our health workers, so that it is 100 percent intact. We have conveyed it to the DPRD and thank God it is agreed," he said.

Eri Cahyadi admitted that he did not want to spread false hopes by promising that the health worker incentives were paid 100 percent in 2021. Because, in the process of calculating with a team of experts, the PAD of the City of Surabaya at that time was also one of the assessment indicators.

"Because yesterday we conveyed 100 percent, but the PAD was insufficient, wouldn't that give false hope? This is what we don't want," he said.

The former Head of the Surabaya City Development Planning Agency (Bappeko) has committed himself to the Surabaya Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) to work not only with words but also with the heart. Therefore, when there is an additional PAD, the payment of 100 percent of the health worker incentive must be implemented immediately.

"We prove this by not giving uncertain expectations. That's our slogan, Forkopimda Surabaya City. So when yesterday it was only 75 percent and there was an additional 25 percent, we immediately (we gave it)," he said.

To speed up the disbursement process, Eri Cahyadi said the Surabaya City Government would be accompanied by the Surabaya District Attorney's Office (Kejari) and the Tanjung Perak Attorney's Office. Even in the supervision in the field, the municipal government is also accompanied by the police.

"Why the incentive payments can run quickly, because his assistance is also support from the DPRD, this is for the city of Surabaya. This togetherness will bring benefits to the city of Surabaya," said Eri Cahyadi.

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