JAKARTA - The survey institute Charta Politika Indonesia has released its latest poll on the electability of political figures in the presidential election. As a result, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo ranks the highest.

In explaining the survey with open-ended questions, the Executive Director of Charta Politica Yunarto Wijaya said that Ganjar Pranowo had the highest number of electability figures with 16.2 percent of respondents being elected.

Second place is Prabowo Subianto with 14.8 voters, and Anies Baswedan with 14.6 percent.

"The electability of the highest figures is the names of Ganjar Pranowo, Prabowo Subianto, and Anies Baswedan. While the electability of other names is below 10 percent," Yunarto said in a virtual survey presentation, Thursday, August 12.

If a closed simulation of 10 names is carried out, the name Ganjar Pranowo still ranks the highest. Ganjar was chosen by 20.6 percent of the respondents. Second, Anies overtook 17.8 percent and then Prabowo 17.5%.

If a closed simulation of 5 names is carried out, Ganjar is still at the top with an electability of 23.3 percent. Second, Anies was chosen by 19.8 percent and Prabowo Subianto by 19.6 percent of the respondents.

"Ganjar's data is statistically number one. But Anies and Prabowo are still within the margin of error," said Yunarto.

The election of Ganjar with the highest ranking was also not affected by the phenomenon of installing billboards displaying the figures of PDIP politician Puan Maharani and Golkar General Chair Airlangga Hartato.

When the phenomenon of the tide of billboards flared up, the names of Puan Maharani and Airlangga had low electability. Puan is in 17th place and Airlangga is 18th with an electability of 0.7 percent each.

"If we try to use the empirical test that was most widely discussed in monitoring from Puan with Airlangga. The massive number of billboards and billboards has proven to be not linear with electability," he explained.

The cause of the highest Ganjar electability

The status of regional heads who are facing the handling of the pandemic is one of the biggest factors that boosted Ganjar's name. The health and economic crisis has made people more aware of the role of the regional head. It also raised Anies' name as the Governor of DKI Jakarta.

"The rational reason is that people will look at their performance figures, they will see people who every day are seen as working for the handling of the pandemic," he said.

"The trend is that people who have positions that get more stage in the pandemic have indeed increased their surveys," he continued.

Meanwhile, Prabowo's electability, which is also quite high, was achieved because he had been a presidential candidate even though he lost in competing with Joko Widodo.

Why is Ganjar's electability still the highest? Yunarto explained that Prabowo's electability could not compete with Ganjar's because Prabowo did not play a direct role in handling the pandemic.

Meanwhile, Anies did play a role in dealing with the pandemic in the capital. However, some people consider the role of handling the pandemic in Jakarta to be helped by the central government, which prioritizes the capital city.

"There are also those who say that Anies is very good in terms of handling health, but many also say that for example it is the work of the central government. Of course, health infrastructure, from health workers to vaccines, will get priority," Yunarto explained.

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