JAKARTA - PDIP faction member Sadarestuwati confirmed the existence of a letter bearing the PDI-P's DPP logo number 3134/IN/DPP/VIII/2021 dated 11 August 2021. It is said that this letter discusses the authority over decisions of presidential and vice presidential candidates.

"The letter is true, I think it's legitimate," said Sadarestuwati to reporters, Thursday, August 12.

The letter also contained the signatures of PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri and Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto.

However, Sadarestuwati explained that the letter only emphasized the decision of the 5th PDIP Congress, namely the general chairman's prerogative to determine presidential and vice presidential candidates.

"Because the 5th congress in Bali has given a mandate and prerogative to Mrs. Ketum, especially with regard to the determination of presidential or vice-presidential candidates," he explained.

In principle, the letter only emphasized the authority of PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri regarding the determination of the presidential candidate from the white muzzle party.

The letter also emphasized that PDIP is busy providing assistance in handling COVID-19.

It is written in the first paragraph, “It is reaffirmed to all ranks of the Three Pillars of the Party at their respective levels that as stated in article 15 letter f of the 2019 Party Articles of Association and Bylaws. has the prerogative to decide on the Presidential Candidate and/or the Vice Presidential Candidate”.

This letter also emphasized to PDIP cadres to be disciplined not to respond to presidential and vice presidential candidates.

"Violations of this provision will be subject to party disciplinary sanctions," the letter reads in the second paragraph.

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