MEDAN - Police arrested a man with the initials SZ, the perpetrator of child abuse. The persecution took place in Hamlet III, Hilinaa Village, Alasa Talumuzoi District, North Nias Regency, North Sumatra.

From the information gathered, the incident began when the younger brother of the perpetrator, identified as JZ, got into a fight with the victim FZ (12). After the fight, JZ in tears came to the perpetrator to complain.

Then, the perpetrator came to the victim and abused the victim by repeatedly hitting and kicking FZ.

The incident occurred at the house belonging to Arolida Telaumbanua Alias Ama Farel. At the time of the persecution, the owner of the house was able to record a video.

While recording, Arolida Telaumbanua tried to intervene and stop the perpetrator's actions. However, the perpetrator instead strangled him so that Arolida stopped recording the perpetrator's actions.

Nias Police Chief AKBP Wawan Iriawan, through the Public Relations Subdivision Paur, Aiptu Yadsen F Hulu, confirmed the incident.

"After learning about the video of the persecution that went viral, the personnel immediately moved and conducted an investigation. On Tuesday, August 8, officers arrested the victim and the alleged perpetrator and took them to the Nias Police Station for questioning," said Yadsen, Thursday, August 12.

"Then, the victim's family immediately made a police report," he continued.

Yadsen said, from the results of the investigation and investigation that the victim FZ and the perpetrator SZ still had a family relationship.

The perpetrator has been named a suspect on suspicion of committing physical violence in the household. The perpetrator, he said, has also been detained at the Nias Police Station.

The perpetrators were charged with Article 44 paragraph (1), paragraph (2) of Law Number 23/2004 concerning Domestic Violence and/or Article 80 paragraph (1), paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 17/2016 concerning Child Protection.

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