BANDUNG - The inactive mayor of Cimahi, West Java, Ajay M Priyatna was sentenced to seven years in prison by the KPK prosecutors. Ajay is believed to have accepted bribes to smooth out a hospital project permit.

"Asking the panel of judges to impose a sentence of seven years in prison with a fine of Rp. 300 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison," said KPK Public Prosecutor Budi Nugraha at the Bandung District Court (PN), Thursday, August 12.

The KPK prosecutor said that the aggravating thing was that Ajay did not support the government's efforts to eradicate corruption as a state apparatus.

Then the thing that eases Ajay's demands is that he has never been caught by the law or convicted of any case.

In his indictment, Ajay is suspected of receiving a number of bribes in stages from the owner of the Kasih Bunda Hutama Yonathan General Hospital through a number of people and project entrepreneurs. The donation was carried out in stages from May to November 2020.

Ajay was also charged with accepting bribes of Rp. 1,661,250,000 to smooth out the project permit for the Kasih Bunda Hospital.

The KPK stated that Ajay's actions were contrary to the laws and regulations in force. Ajay himself has been detained after being named a suspect since November 28, 2020.

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