JAKARTA - The South Sumatra Provincial Health Office stated that the decline in daily active cases of COVID-19 in South Sumatra for the last three days was feared to be only a delayed report from the Ministry of Health's information service center.

"South Sumatra has experienced a decrease in the number of daily positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 for the last three days because it is still volatile, I'm afraid it's only a delay report," said Head of the South Sumatra Provincial Health Office Lesty Nurainy after attending a coordination meeting and evaluation of the COVID-19 response in Palembang. , reported by Antara, Thursday, August 12.

According to him, reports of daily active cases or positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 from 17 new regencies and cities will be seen constantly in the next week.

He reminded the regional heads of 17 regencies and cities to remain vigilant because at any time a spike in positive cases of COVID-19 could occur.

He suggested that they continue to optimally carry out the restrictive policies imposed during the period of the Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

He revealed, the decrease in the occupancy of patient care beds in each hospital from more than 80 percent to 66 percent in the last few days, but specifically for hospitals in the city of Palembang, it still tends to be high, namely 89 percent for ICU care and 73 percent for patient isolation.

"This is because hospitals in Palembang are the main referral places for treating COVID-19 patients," he added. So it is hoped that the city district government must continue to pay attention to the occupancy of each hospital, if it is 90 percent more, it must provide additional rooms specifically for COVID-19 patients.

Referring to the data on the spread of COVID-19, the Health Office of South Sumatra Province, Wednesday, August, the positive confirmation number was recorded at 551 cases, a cumulative total of 53,229 cases, active confirmed cases in treatment of 9,298 cases decreased from the previous 10,546 cases, 41,452 recovered cases increased from the previous 38,565 cases. , died increased to 2,479 cases from 2,360 cases.

Meanwhile, 13 city districts are still in the red zone or high distribution, namely Palembang City, Prabumulih, Pagaralam, Lubuklinggau, Lahat Regency, Muara Enim, Prabumulih, Musi Rawas, Ogan Ilir, Ogan Komering Ulu Timur, Ogan Komiring Ulu, Ogan Komering Ilir, Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan, and Banyuasin.

A total of four districts are in the orange zone or medium distribution, namely Empat Lawang, Musi Rawas Utara, Musi Banyuasin, and Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir. From this data, only Palembang city applies PPKM level four while the rest applies PPKM level three and level two

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