One Way Scheme Used By Bogor Police To Break Congestion
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BOGOR - Bogor Police Resort, West Java, is confident that it will be able to break down the accumulation of vehicles on the Puncak Line, Cisarua, Bogor by implementing a one-way or one-way system and blocking.

"The blockage remains in effect at the same points, where the implementation of the blocking is at the Ciawi toll exit, and alternative routes. Indeed, we can see on the CCTV screen, the flow of the Puncak Tourism route, has begun to increase slightly," said Head of the Bogor Police Traffic Unit, AKP Dicky Pranata. quoting Antara, Wednesday 11 August.

The implementation of the one way route from Puncak to Jakarta is carried out from noon to evening, to reduce the volume of vehicles in the southern area of Bogor Regency.

The reason is that the density of vehicles has occurred on the connecting route between Bogor Regency and Cianjur Regency since this morning, even though the Bogor Regency COVID-19 Handling Task Force has carried out an insulation at Simpang Gadog.

"An antigen swab examination or showing that the card has been vaccinated is the main requirement if you want to enter the Puncak Wisata area. We ensure that the mobility or movement of the community must be equipped with requirements," said Dicky.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Bogor Regency Satpol PP, Iman Wahyu Budiana, said that at least 25 vehicles were given a round-trip penalty for blocking activities at Simpang Gadog in the morning.

According to him, in addition to giving sanctions in the form of turning back, the Bogor Regency COVID-19 Handling Task Force officers also gave sanctions in the form of verbal warnings, especially for motorists who did not wear masks.

"Implementing the partition as a filter for access to tourism in anticipation of increasing the mobility of people from outside the region," said Iman.

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