JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has arrested a money-stealing syndicate with the mode of blocking automatic teller machines (ATM). The gang that is troubling customers has apparently been in action for more than a year in several areas, South Jakarta and South Tangerang.

"This perpetrator is indeed a group that has been working for more than a year. We have managed to secure 6 people," said Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Yusri Yunus, to reporters, Tuesday, August 10.

The six members of the gang have the initials ND, ND, EC, R, GC, SHW, and E. They often act in South Tangerang and South Jakarta.

From the results of the examination, this gang has acted dozens of times. In fact, managed to break into the victim's money reached hundreds of millions.

"After we looked into this, he had been playing for a long time, more than a year. His initial admission was above 30 (machines) he also forgot, maybe even if we go slowly it can be more because the specialist is really bad at ATMs," said Yusri.

"Of the 3 police reports alone, there are Rp50 million, Rp26 million, there are Rp128 million, yes. Not that many dozens earlier. We will investigate later," continued Yusri.

In fact, the examination also revealed that some of the suspects were recidivist. They were caught in narcotics and other theft cases.

"Residivist, this EC brother who got stuck was involved in drug problems, and there are two more problems with theft with weights. So there are three who are recidivist," added Yusri.

The mode that this gang often uses is pretending to be a savior. In fact, those who block the ATM card hole, then take advantage of customer panic.

In addition, they also exchanged the ATM card and peeked at the victim's pin. Thus, the balance in the victim's account will be drained out.

"The method is usually when a victim wants to take money from an ATM and then the card at the ATM gets stuck, usually someone comes. After that, they come there as a savior or helper and even teach," said Yusri.

The six perpetrators will be charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code on theft with a threat of 7 years in prison.

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