PADANG - Sofiah, 81, a resident of Jorong Pasa Maninjau, Nagari Maninjau, Agam Regency, West Sumatra, was reported missing by her family seven days ago.

The head of the Agam Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Muhammad Lutfi Ar, said the grandmother had left the house since Tuesday, August 3.

"The family and local residents tried to find victims in the vicinity, but the victims were not found," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 10.

The family reported the loss to the Agam BPBD on Saturday, August 7th.

After that, the local BPBD Task Force and a joint team from the Agam Police, Kodim 0304 Agam, PMI, TKSK, Tanjung Raya Sub-district, Nagari Maninjau, Nagari Duo Koto, KSB and the community searched for victims around the location and gardens around the victim's house.

On Tuesday, August 10, a joint team of 50 people resumed their search. Search for victims on the fourth day with three small teams.

Team one searched around Kelok 44 to Pasar Maninjau, team two from the victim's house to Gasang Aia Angek and team three from the Nagari Maninjau Office to Nagari Dua Koto.

"Hopefully the victim can be found and can reunite with his children," he said.

He appealed to residents who found the victim to report to the nearest police station. The victim left the house wearing a white shirt and was sick or senile.

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