JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs submitted additional data on potential voter population (DP4) for the 2020 simultaneous regional elections to the General Election Commission (KPU), Thursday, June 18.

The addition of this data is due to the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada which was postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The postponement of this schedule certainly included additional voter data. Because, they are 17 years old on voting day 9 December.

"Today the DP4 was handed over. We know that there was a delay in the schedule from September to December, which resulted in the addition of potential voters due to increasing age," said Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian in a video broadcast by KPU RI, Thursday, June 18.

The number of additional DP4 submitted by the Ministry of Home Affairs to the KPU was 456,256 people. Thus, the total data on voters who will use their voting rights in elections in 270 regions for the time being is 105,852,716 people.

This voter data will later be carried out by factual verification of updating voter data in the form of matching and research (coklit), before finally being determined to be the final voter list (DPT) for the 2020 Pilkada.

Tito reminded the KPU to maintain the confidentiality of the identity of the submitted voter data. The KPU was asked to ensure that all voters had the opportunity to exercise their voting rights.

"Let's maintain the confidentiality of our security system, because this is data that we must comply with the rule of law of our people. The KPU, Bawaslu, DKPP need to follow up in coordination with the regions so that the 2020 Pilkada which is held in a COVID-19 situation can run well. , "he said.

Continuing, KPU Chairman Arief Budiman stated that updating the data was the most important part in implementing the 2020 Pilkada.

"The KPU and Bawaslu will ensure that the selected data is up to date, updated and accurate. So it is not only the last but all," he said.

In addition, the KPU will also carry out the preparation stages for the Pilkada by coordinating with the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling of COVID-19 and the Ministry of Health regarding carrying out the election using the COVID-19 prevention protocol.

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