JAKARTA - The case of rape of a young girl who was turned around by eight lecherous men in the Cihuni area, Pagedangan, Tangerang Regency was finally revealed, after the family reported the incident to the police.
This rotating act of rape began when one of the perpetrators with the initials F met the victim on social media Facebook. After the two of them communicated with each other for a week, an agreement emerged to meet, on April 18, 2020.
During the meeting, F was not alone. Seven of his colleagues were invited to accompany him. Finally the meeting took place.
Kapolsek Pagedangan, AKP Efri said, at first there was nothing strange in the meeting. In the end, perpetrator F fed the victim with eximer pills. So that the victim lost consciousness.
The perpetrators took this opportunity. They intercourse the victim in turns until satisfied.
"Suspect F gave three eximer pills to the victim. Then intercourse and took turns with other perpetrators," Efri told VOI, Thursday, June 18.
After the rape was completed, the victim returned home and told everything that had happened to the family. Unfortunately, the family did not immediately report this to the police.
Not long after, the victim fell ill and was suspected of experiencing trauma. His family took him to a mental hospital for examination and treatment.
For one month, the victim's condition did not improve. Finally, on June 11, the victim died. But it is not certain what caused his death.
A day later, the family reported the crime of rape suffered by the victim.
Two rapesBased on these reports, the police moved quickly to expose them. So far, six of the eight perpetrators have been arrested. They, F aka Cedem, S alis Jisung, DE aka Boby, A alias Anjay, K and D.
They were arrested at different locations and times. Ironically, two of them are brothers or sisters, namely S alias Jisung and K.
"First we arrested four people. Then, on June 16 we again arrested two people," said Efri.
From the results of the investigation, the rape committed against the victim did not only happen once. Based on the suspects' confession, the victim had been defamed twice.
Twice rapes of the victim were always carried out alternately. The first time it was committed by eight suspects and then seven suspects in the second rape. Until now, the investigation is still ongoing and the two other suspects are still at large.
"There were two rapes, the first occurred on April 10 with the perpetrator 8 people. Then, on April 18 it was carried out by 7 people. We are still chasing two people who entered the DPO," Efri concluded.
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