MEDAN - Five members of the DPRD of North Labuhanbatu Regency (Labura) were caught in a PPKM raid in Asahan Regency, North Sumatra during karaoke with a number of women. Police said the five legislators had tested positive for drugs.

Of the five people arrested, there was one DPRD member from the Golkar Party on behalf of Khoirul Anwar Panjaitan. Regarding the arrest, the chairman of the North Sumatra Golkar Party DPD, Musa Rajeckshah (Ijeck) spoke up.

Ijeck, who is also the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra, said that his party is still waiting for the legal status of the cadres.

"This is still a legal process, we are waiting from the police what the status of the PPKM raid yesterday was during karaoke in Asahan," said Ijeck, Monday, August 9.

In the Golkar Party, Ijeck emphasized that anyone found guilty or violating the rules must be held accountable.

Regarding the sanctions given, Ijeck could not confirm it. He also has not confirmed that his party will provide legal assistance to Khoirul Anwar Panjaitan.

"We'll see later, I don't want to be careless. But the names of the members are sure what they are entitled to will be given," he said.

Previously, the Governor of North Sumatra, Edy Rahmayadi, regretted the attitude of the Labura DPRD members who were not in accordance with the norms.

"Later, the law will govern. Every act that is not in accordance with the right norms of life, that person (5 members of the Labura DPRD) must be held accountable," said Gubsu Edy, Monday, August 9.

The joint team of the COVID-19 Task Force, arrested 5 members of the Labura DPRD during karaoke with women at a five-star hotel in Kisaran, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra, Saturday, August 7th.

This incident began when the Asahan District COVID-19 Task Force joint team received a report that an entertainment venue which was a hotel facility in Kisaran, continued to open its business in the midst of implementing PPKM in the area.

Receiving the report, joint officers from the TNI/Polri, Satpol PP of Asahan Regency and the Asahan Regency Government immediately visited the nightclub.

After one by one the karaoke rooms were turned into entertainment venues, they were searched. As a result, the COVID-19 Task Force officers found a room filled with 5 members of the Labura DPRD accompanied by young women.

All those who were secured were taken to the Asahan Police for examination and including the management of the entertainment venue and the hotel.

Meanwhile, urine tests on 5 members of the Labura DPRD were carried out by investigators from the Asahan Police Narcotics Investigation Unit. The result, positive for taking drugs with the type of ecstasy pill.

"Yes, the five members of the Labura DPRD have tested positive for their urine," said Head of the Asahan Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, AKP Nasri Ginting, to reporters.

In addition, Nasri said that his party also confiscated evidence in the form of ecstasy pills left over from clothes. "We found evidence of broken (used) ecstasy pills," said Nasri.

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