JAKARTA - A number of former leaders of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) criticized the change in rules regarding official travel for employees, which is now borne by the organizing committee.

Former KPK chairman Abraham Samad said the new regulation issued by Firli Bahuri et al could undermine the prestige of the anti-corruption commission and be considered to legalize gratification. In fact, so far the KPK has been very strong in maintaining the integrity of its employees.

"This Perkom (Commission Regulation) has completely legalized gratification and this will undermine the dignity and prestige of the KPK, which has been very strong in maintaining the integrity of KPK people," Abraham told reporters, Monday, August 9.

The rules regarding the financing of official travel are regulated in KPK Regulation (Perkom) 6 of 2021 concerning Official Travel within the KPK. This institution argues that the changes were made to adjust the status of KPK employees who are now State Civil Apparatuses (ASN).

According to Abraham, if this Perkom is implemented, then the KPK leadership is trying to destroy the integrity of its employees.

"The implementation of this Perkom will bring the KPK to destruction and death in eradicating corruption. So what destroys and kills the KPK is actually the KPK leadership itself with this Perkom policy," he said.

Criticism also came from the former KPK leader, Bambang Widjojanto, who said that this new rule had ignored the values and principles in the code of ethics. In addition, this Perkom is considered corrupt.

"The chairman of the KPK through Perpim Number 6 of 2021 has indications of violating and ignoring the values and principles contained in the ethics and code of conduct of the KPK. He even delegitimizes the principle of institutional independence and intentionally has the potential to build a permissive attitude towards corrupt behavior," said BW.

He also considers this regulation to be a potential fraud because Article 2A of Perkom Number 6 of 2021 is only generic. So that the formulation can open up opportunities for corrupt behavior because it can lead to new modes.

"It is not explained at all, what are the cost components of official travel? The KPK Perpim also does not regulate in detail, who are the parties who can invite, what is the basis for the interest of the invitation and how to filter so as not to cause a conflict of interest," he explained.

BW then asked Firli Bahuri et al to have the awareness to prioritize attention in formulating rules. Including those relating to his attitude and behavior in relationships, communications, or meetings with other parties that have a strong potential to cause a conflict of interest.

"It is much better if the KPK leadership implements programs that are planned by itself and/or gives priority to programs aimed at the interests and benefits of the KPK rather than attending invitations," he concluded.

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