JAKARTA - A number of Kelurahan offices in the Central Jakarta area have begun to be used as additional COVID-19 vaccination centers. Establishment of a vaccine center at the Kelurahan office to increase the quota for accelerating vaccination in order to achieve herd immunity.

"So the urban village is only an alternative when there is very little open space. That's why we use the urban village. Incidentally in the area around here there are groups of people who have not been vaccinated, so we use the urban village," said Central Jakarta Mayor Dhany Sukma to VOI, Sunday, August 8.

In addition to the Kelurahan office, continued Dhany, the One Stop Integrated Service (PTSP) room can also be used as a place for vaccines. As in Johar Baru sub-district, health workers administer injections in the PTSP service room.

"This is because it is not used on Saturday and Sunday. So it can be used as an injection room," he said.

Based on the data collected, the village offices that functioned as vaccine sites included Johar Baru, Kebon Melati, Kartini and Karang Anyar villages.

The most important thing for this vaccine is the high awareness of all components of society. We want to establish herd immunity through a vaccination program," he concluded.

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