JAKARTA - The Merdeka Vaccination Center at SMKN 5 Pisangan Baru has a unique way to invite the public to participate in the Merdeka Vaccination activity. One of them is by distributing vegetables to people who have been vaccinated against the first stage.
"At the attention of the Regional Police Chief, every RW with low achievement in the Matraman area is vaccinated with a target of 200 quotas per day per vaccine center," said Matraman Police Chief Kompol Tedjo to VOI, Sunday, August 8.
Tedjo further said that residents received assistance in the form of vegetables, tofu, tempeh and fruit. The intake is given to increase the immunity of the community.
"Alhamdulillah, we encourage people to come in droves to participate in the vaccine. Previously, vegetable vendors who passed were also able to participate in independent vaccinations. We even wholesaled their merchandise and distributed them to the public," he said.
The distribution of vegetables is very much felt by the community. Especially during this pandemic. Residents can immediately eat vegetables after they follow the vaccination.
"Community enthusiasm is very good," he said.
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