JAKARTA - Daily activities have returned to the new normal. Public transportation facilities such as commuter trains (KRL) are already being used by the public. However, the community still has to carry out the COVID-19 prevention protocol.

The basic principle is that everyone must wear a mask, wash their hands regularly, use soap or carry a hand sanitizer, and keep a safe physical distance from each other.

Junior Doctor Network Internal Medicine Specialist, Edward Faisal, suggested other things to be applied. People are better off wearing hats in station and train areas.

"Apart from masks, we can also use PPE (personal protective equipment, red) in the form of a hat to prevent the virus from hitting our heads," said Edward during a discussion at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Wednesday, June 17.

Then, train users must also follow the rules called out by station officers. For example, you should not force yourself to jostle the train. In queuing, you must also pay attention to maintaining a safe distance of at least 1 meter from each other.

"In research, the safe distance is at least one meter. Because when a person coughs, the droplets that come out and contain the virus fall one meter away," said Edward.

"If there are still people who are making love to their partners, it should be avoided because it is a risk to them. It could be from people without symptoms that can spread it when they are close," he continued.

Furthermore, people as much as possible do not have to play with their cellphones if they are not needed. Because, said Edward, the corona virus can survive in cellphone materials such as plastic and metal for up to 5 days.

Train users are also advised not to chat, either with other passengers or via cell phones. This was done to provide comfort and maintain cleanliness for all passengers.

In addition, children under five years of age (toddlers) are not recommended to take the train. While people aged 60 years and over (seniors) can only use KRL at times outside of peak hours, namely from 10:00 to 14:00 WIB.

"They are not recommended because they are susceptible to being infected with COVID-19. At 10.00 to 14.00 WIB it is also recommended for passengers who will carry goods so that the transfer rate is fast and does not stay in one place very long," he said.

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