JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that the surge in COVID-19 cases has now shifted from the islands of Java-Bali to other islands over the past two weeks. For this reason, he asked his staff to respond quickly to this shift.

"Quick response. Our need now is a quick response because it seems that this is a shift from Java-Bali to outside Java-Bali," said President Jokowi while chairing the Level 4 PPKM Development Evaluation and Follow-up Meeting, Saturday, August 7.

Jokowi explained that as of July 25, an increase in COVID-19 cases was still in the range of 34 percent or 13,200 cases nationally. Furthermore, the increase continued to occur even until Friday, August 6, there were additional 21,374 positive cases or 54 percent.

Furthermore, Jokowi explained that there were a number of provinces that experienced a significant increase in COVID-19 cases on Friday, August 6, namely North Sumatra, Riau and West Sumatra. The head of state immediately ordered his staff including the TNI Commander and the National Police Chief to remind his members to respond quickly to the increase in cases.

"I have ordered the Panglima, Kapolri to really remind the Pangdam, Kapolda, and Danrem, Dandim, and Kapolres to really respond to the numbers that I conveyed earlier. Because speed is needed there," he said.

Next, President Jokowi also ordered regions to respond quickly if there was an increase in cases in a row. One of the provinces he mentioned was East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

"NTT be careful. Be careful NTT because I saw last week NTT (COVID-19 cases, ed) still 886 on August 1. Then, August 2 (increase, ed) 410 new cases; August 3 (increase, ed) red) 608 new cases; 4 540 (new cases, ed). But on August 6, 3,598 (new cases, ed)," he said.

"Numbers like this must be responded to quickly," concluded Jokowi.

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