JAKARTA - The initiator of Pandemic Talks, Firdza Radiany, said that the government's implementation of the Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) had succeeded in suppressing COVID-19 cases in Java-Bali. However, this is actually the opposite of the conditions that exist outside the two islands.

He said active cases outside Java-Bali currently increased to 216.74 percent. Meanwhile, in Java-Bali active cases have now decreased to around 91.36 percent.

"For active cases, the growth in active cases outside Java-Bali is insane. Twice, 200 percent. Meanwhile, in Java-Bali, it is decreasing", said Firdza in an online discussion entitled Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Emergency PPKM in Handling the COVID-19 Pandemic which aired on ILUNI UI's YouTube, Saturday, August 7th.

In addition to active cases, the percentage of deaths from COVID-19 patients has also increased outside Java-Bali. If in Java-Bali the death rate increased by 239 percent outside these two islands, the percentage was higher.

"Deaths in Java have increased by 239 percent. It turns out that the trend of deaths outside Java-Bali is higher than Java-Bali by 283.4 percent. Although nominally smaller, this is a larger percentage", said Firdza.

With the data he presented, he said that COVID-19 had indeed succeeded in being sent down in Java-Bali. "However, at the same time the virus is increasingly spreading outside Java-Bali", he said.

Similarly, Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission IX Commission, Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena, also said that the trend of increasing positive cases of COVID-19 also occurred outside Java-Bali. So he asked the government to pay more attention to it.

"Although the trend cannot be said to continue to decline, it is relatively under control in Java-Bali, although outside Java-Bali there is an increase in positive cases", said Melki.

"This is something we need to pay attention to because each region has a different approach", he concluded.

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