JAKARTA - New Zealand reported two new cases of COVID-19. The two cadres linked to a recent trip from the UK ended a 24-day period without a new COVID-19 case in the country.

The new cases are a setback for New Zealand, which has lifted all social and economic restrictions except border controls. New Zealand previously stated there were no new or active cases of COVID-19 and declared New Zealand one of the first countries in the world to return to pre-pandemic normalcy.

Prime Minister (PM) Jacinda Ardern has warned that new cases may emerge in the future when New Zealanders return home. Some New Zealand citizens are allowed into the country under certain conditions.

The two new cases are women in their 30s and 40s. They visit their parents who are in critical condition in Wellington. This was explained by New Zealand's director general of health in a press conference.

The two women arrived in New Zealand on June 7 from the UK, via Doha and Brisbane. After that, they were in isolation facilities in Auckland. They were given special permission to leave the isolation facility to visit their parents. Now the two women are in independent isolation.

It was previously stated that 5 million New Zealanders returned to economic activity when active cases in New Zealand were at zero. Meanwhile, countries with large economies such as Brazil, UK, India and the United States (US) continue to grapple with the spread of the virus which is increasing day by day.

In addition, PM Ardern is also still worried even though the country was declared 'free of COVID'. This is because the global pandemic is still raging around the world and new imported cases are likely to come to the country.

"I don't want New Zealanders to believe that the fighting is over, but it's not yet," Ardern said.

New Zealand has now recorded 1,156 COVID-19 cases and 22 of them have died. New Zealand's first COVID-19 case occurred in late February. The New Zealand government's responsive handling has earned the country wide praise.

The New Zealand government first went into lockdown on March 25. They set up a four-stage warning system and it was at level four, where most businesses were closed, schools were closed and people were obliged to stay at home.

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