SULSEL - Enrekang, South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Police Chief AKBP Andi Sinjaya Ghalib directly rebuked the wedding party organizer in this area for violating the COVID-19 health protocol.

"Wedding parties are currently allowed, but there are provisions that must be adhered to in the application of health protocols, they are mandatory," said AKBP Andi Sinjaya Ghalib in a statement received by reporters, Antara, Friday, August 6.

He said the easing of the rules for community activities was carried out after seeing the many indicators and provisions of the transmission zone in an area. Despite the easing, the implementation of health protocols must be strictly adhered to so that there are no spikes or additional COVID-19 cases.

The Enrekang Police's Yustisi operation targeted two locations for the wedding ceremony and wedding reception held by residents in Anggeraja District.

"I myself and the members went down to witness and when we found there was a violation of the process, we immediately reprimanded the implementer," he said.

The judicial operation aims to control public compliance with the implementation of the COVID-19 health protocol.

"Yesterday, Enrekang Regency was in the red zone, therefore we from the Enrekang Regency COVID-19 Handling Task Force do not tire of urging people who attend the reception to continue to comply with health protocols," he explained.

In addition to giving a warning to the wedding organizer for ignoring the health protocol, his party reminded people who eat at restaurants to keep their distance.

He reminded residents who held weddings to be obliged to provide a place to wash their hands, arrange seats not to be close together according to the procedure, and reduce crowds.

"This is one of our joint efforts to avoid COVID-19. Maintaining health is more important because health is the most expensive thing in the world," he said.

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