JAKARTA - At the peak of the commemoration of the 76th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, the Indonesian Air Force will fly a giant red and white flag, with a size of 20x30 meters.

The flag hoisting will use a helicopter in the sky over Jakarta.

Head of the Information Service of the Indonesian Air Force, Marsma Indan Gilang Buldansyah, who was contacted by VOI, Friday, August 6, said that since Monday, August 2, several Indonesian Air Force helicopters had carried out flight training at Atang Sendjaja Air Base, Bogor.

This exercise will last for the next 5 days.

The helicopters that will take part in this activity are NAS-332 Super Squadron Air 6, Air Squadron 45 and EC-725 Caracal Air Squadron 8.

"In this exercise, TNI AU helicopters fly with giant flags, which include the symbols of TNI units (TNI Headquarters, TNI AD, TNI AL and TNI AU) on a red cloth background," said Indan.

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