BARITO TIMUR - East Barito Police Chief, Central Kalimantan AKBP Afandi Eka Putra said his party recruited Amiyono (26), a person with a disability from Simpang Naneng Village, Karusen Janang District as an employee.

"This employee was recruited to become the operator of the Call Center 110 Polres Bartim (East Barito), with the element that he fulfills the requirements and is very competent as a service operator," he said in Tamiang Layang, as quoted by Antara, Thursday, August 5.

He explained that the recruitment of employees was to support service operations at the East Barito Police. This policy also helps underprivileged residents who are also people with disabilities to stay enthusiastic in living life and not to give up even though there is currently a COVID-19 pandemic.

"Hopefully the person concerned can be more enthusiastic in working and be an inspiration for other people with disabilities," he said.

The Police Chief plans to re-implement the recruitment of employees with disabilities to be placed in suitable positions at the East Barito Police.

"God willing, there will be more recruitment. We're looking at what might be suitable this time for women," he said.

The election of Amiyono in the recruitment of disabled employees after a review of personality, abilities, crafts and competencies as well as information from Bhabinkamtibmas Simpang Nanang Village.

In addition, he is considered competent as a service operator for Call Center 110 Polres Barito Timur.

"Hopefully this work can help the economy a little bit in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic," said Afandi.

Amiyono admitted that he was touched by the policy of the Chief of Police, Afandi Eka Putra.

He is also committed to doing his best as an operator of Service 110 at the local police station.

"I thank you for helping and providing an opportunity and I am committed to doing my best," he said.

Amiyono, who was accepted as an employee at the Call Center 110 service operator at the East Barito Police, looked serious and immediately learned how to operate the application.

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