JAKARTA - A total of 19 drug dealer convicts were transferred to the "Super Maximum Security" Penitentiary in Nusakambangan, Cilacap Regency, Central Java.

The prisoners were transferred to Nusakambangan, specifically the Class IIA Karanganyar Special Prison, based on information from the Directorate General of Corrections at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

A total of 19 prisoners were transferred, namely MK, FT, AA, D, MA, MS, AAr, MAD, IS, SH, DP, FY, FA, MAA, M, AHH, RM, DS, and HG.

They came from several prisons and state detention centers in Lampung including Class I Bandar Lampung Prison, Class IIA Narcotics Prison, Bandar Lampung, Class IIA Kalianda Prison, Class IIB Gunung Sugih Prison, Class I Detention Center Bandar Lampung, and Class IIB Detention Center. digging.

Meanwhile, five of them are transfer convicts from the Class I prison in Palembang.

The process of transferring prisoners was carried out at around 21.00 WIB by the Correctional Division of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kanwil Kemenkumham) Lampung and the Correctional Unit of the Lampung Kemenkumham Regional Office.

The transfer was carried out in accordance with the standard protocol for the prevention and handling of COVID-19 with strict supervision from the police and prison officers.

Head of the Penitentiary Division (Kadivpas) of the Lampung Kemenkumham Regional Office, Farid Junaedi, said that the transfer of convicts to the dealer and controller category was carried out to prevent and break the chain of drug trafficking in prisons or detention centers.

"We are not kidding about moving and sending dealers to the Nusakambangan Super Maximum Security Prison. Likewise with officers who try to play drugs. We will act according to the applicable law," he said.

According to him, his party has coordinated with the Head of Regional Division for the purpose and informed the families of the prisoners and Judge Wasmat regarding the transfer.

The transfer of drug dealer prisoners is in accordance with the spirit of the Three Keys of Advanced Correctional Services, namely Early Detection of Security and Order Disturbances, Eradication of Drug Circulation in Prisons and Detention Centers, and Synergy with other Law Enforcement Officials.

Previously, the Director General of Corrections, Reynhard Silitonga, emphasized the prison's commitment to the war on drugs, starting from the highest leadership to field implementers.

"If officers and inmates are proven to be involved, they will be punished according to their actions, both official sanctions, disciplinary action regulations, and criminal sanctions," he said.

With this transfer, a total of 692 dealers and controllers have been transferred to the Nusakambangan "Super Maximum Security" Prison as of 2020.

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