JAKARTA - The National Police has examined 5 witnesses in handling the issue of Rp2 trillion in aid for handling COVID-19 from the son of the late Akidi Tio.

The five witnesses included Heryanti, who is Akidi Tio's youngest child, to Prof. Dr. Hardi Darmawan, as a family doctor.

"Of course the investigators are at work, they have asked for information from 5 people in the meantime, namely Mrs. Heriyanty, Pak Darmawan and other relatives who know," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Argo Yuwono to reporters, Wednesday, August 4.

In addition, the research team is also planning to examine experts in the near future. The goal is to find out whether there is a violation and determine the next steps for handling it.

"There will also be experts we will ask for information there. This is for the investigators to process," said Argo.

On the other hand, Argo explained how the problem started. Where, it began when the donation of aid funds for handling COVID-19 was symbolically on July 26, 2021. The aid funds were also given in the form of a bilyet giro three days later.

"Then the BG is cleared, investigators go to the bank with which we are clearing or want to take the funds. It turned out that the bank provided information that the balance was insufficient," said Argo.

Knowing that the balance was insufficient, the police launched an investigation. The investigative team is looking for information and clues to find out the motives and intentions behind it all.

"Later, investigators will find out what the motive is, whether it means good faith for the contributor to the handling of COVID-19 in South Sumatra," said Argo.

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