JAKARTA - PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri admits she is tired of continuing to be the leader of a political party. However, he could not refuse considering that the position he held was the decision of the congress and the wishes of his cadres.

This was conveyed in a virtual speech at the launch of the Geo-Hydrometeorological Multi-Hazard Early Warning System held by the PDIP DPP. At that time, Megawati enthusiastically spoke about disaster management in the country.

"If I'm already excited, I'm not angry like this. That's why I'm always elected and continue to be general chairman," Megawati said in an event broadcast on PDI Perjuangan YouTube, Wednesday, August 4.

Megawati said she was actually tired of being the general chairman. However, his cadres always ask him to keep answering.

"Just ask my subordinates, why are you lifting me up. Do you think I'm not tired myself? Yes, I'm tired," said the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Megawati said she was ready if she had to give up the reins of leadership. However, this must be based on the sincerity of the cadres and the belief that they no longer need his leadership.

"But if you see that the children are really sincere, you don't need me, yes, I'm yowes," he said.

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