JAKARTA - Nurses involved in cases of selling COVID-19 therapeutic drugs above the highest retail price (HET) sold tens of millions per box. Even though the actual price is only Rp. 1.6 million.

Director of Drug Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police Kombes Mukti Juharsa said the drugs sold by the suspect included Avigan Favipiravir, Acterma, Fluvir Oseltamir, Azithromycin, and Ivermectin.

"It was sold for Rp. 40 million per box from the normal price of Rp. 1.6 million," Mukti told reporters, Wednesday, August 4.

With the selling price, the suspect got a big profit. However, Mukti could not confirm how much profit the suspect made.

The suspect did not remember how many drugs he had sold. In addition, from the results of the examination, it was known that this nurse had launched her action last month.

"Maybe many have been sold because people needed them at the time," he said.

Then, Mukti continued that his party will coordinate with the prosecutor regarding the confiscated evidence. The goal, so that the drugs can be used for the community.

"We are coordinating with the prosecutor so that this drug can be used, so for evidence only money goes to court," said Mukti.

Previously, Polda Metro Jaya revealed 8 cases of hoarding and selling of COVId-19 therapeutic drugs above the highest retail price (HET). A nurse was also named as a suspect.

In this action, this nurse uses various modes. One example is working with pharmacists to create fake prescriptions.

"The method is that he can buy from pharmacies and pharmacies because the price is standard by falsifying a doctor's letter and collaborating with pharmacies," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus.

Apparently, the mode used is not only that. Because, it was also revealed that he took leftover drugs from patients who had died.

"The nurse's playing mode is taking the medicine for COVID-19 patients who died. So there are patients who die, the medicine is collected, later when it is collected, he plays the price," said Yusri.

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