JAKARTA - An employee of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) who was declared not to have passed the National Insight Test (TWK) has asked KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri to carry out the corrective actions that have been submitted by the Indonesian Ombudsman.

They reminded the KPK leadership to be uncomplicated and carry out all the results of the report on alleged maladministration in the TWK implementation process that had been read out some time ago.

"As law enforcers, the KPK leadership should not go round and round, we must obey the law," said one representative of 75 employees, Hotman Tambunan, to reporters, Wednesday, August 4.

"Obey all laws and don't pick and choose which laws to obey. Laws are all statutory regulations so that they can set a good example for the community," he added.

Hotman assessed that Firli is currently buying time to take corrective action. This can be seen from the pretext he submitted, namely waiting for the results of the judicial review at the Constitutional Court (MK) and the Supreme Court (MA) decision submitted by a number of parties.

According to Hotman, this actually doesn't need to be done considering that the employees who applied for a judicial review at the Constitutional Court had already withdrawn it and it was determined on July 26 last.

But he is also not sure that Firli will implement the Supreme Court's decision. This is because the Supreme Court cassation decision submitted by KPK employees with Number 64K/TUN/2020 dated March 10, 2020 which has legal force has never been implemented to this day.

"We even had to ask the court to carry out the execution as we submitted the execution request letter on July 2, 2021," said Hotman.

Therefore, he asked Firli Bahuri et al to immediately take corrective action. Moreover, the results of the examination by the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia are legal decisions that are mandatory in nature to be carried out.

"All people, especially law scholars, must understand that the results of the Ombudsman's examination are legal decisions whose implementation does not depend on the decisions of other institutions," he said.

Previously, KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri admitted that he would immediately provide an answer regarding the findings of the Indonesian Ombudsman regarding the findings of maladministration and abuse of authority in the process of implementing the TWK of anti-corruption commission employees as a condition for the transfer of employee status.

He said the KPK would comply with the law regarding the results of the corrective action recommendations issued by the Ombudsman. However, at this time his party is waiting for the results of the lawsuits in the MK and MA.

For information, as many as 75 KPK employees who were declared not to have passed the TWK reported their fate to a number of institutions such as the National Human Rights Commission and the Indonesian Ombudsman. This report was made because they suspected that there was a violation that occurred in the test.

After examining a number of parties including the Deputy Chair of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, the Indonesian Ombudsman then announced his findings on Wednesday, July 21.

They said there was maladministration and abuse of authority from the planning process to the appointment of employees as ASN. One of the maladministration found was in the form of date manipulation in the memorandum of understanding signed by the KPK and the State Civil Service Agency (BKN).

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