JAKARTA - The Indostrategic Institute released the results of a survey related to the electability of political parties. In this survey, opposition parties such as PKS and the Democratic Party were able to overtake Golkar with the survey trend increasing.
As is known, in previous surveys, Golkar has always been in the top 3 ranks. However, in this survey, Golkar is in fifth place. "If the elections were held at this time, the political parties most voted for by respondents were PDIP 18.5 percent, Gerindra 11.5 percent, Democratic Party 8.9 percent, PKS 8.5 percent, and Golkar 6.9 percent," said the Director of Indostrategic. Khairul Umam, Tuesday, August 3.
"There are still 30.2 percent of voters who have not been open to their choices and 1.9 percent have chosen abstentions," he continued.
This indostrategic survey was conducted on 23 March-1 June 2021 with a total of 2,400 respondents spread across 34 provinces. The survey was conducted using a multistage random method. The survey was conducted face-to-face by prioritizing health protocols. This survey has a confidence level of 95 percent with a margin of error of 2 percent. The complete data on the electability of political parties according to Indostrategic are as follows: 1. PDIP 18.5 percent2. Gerindra 11.5 percent3. Democrats 8.9 percent4. MCC 8.5 percent5. Golkar 6.9 percent
6. PKB 5.5 percent7. NasDem 3.1 percent 8. PAN 1.5 percent9. PPP 1.5 percent10. Perindo 0.5 percent
Followed by Hanura 0.4 percent, PSI 0.4 percent, the Berkarya Party 0.2 percent, PBB 0.2 percent, Gelora 0.2 percent, Garuda Party 0.1 percent, PKPI 0.1 percent, the Ummat Party 0, 0 percent, Golput 1.9 percent, Secret 5.8 percent, and No answer 24.4 percent.
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