JAKARTA - Allegations of illegal levies (Pungli) against beneficiaries of the Family Hope Program (PKH) from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos), were immediately responded to by the Head of the South Mangga Dua Village (MDS) Agata Bayu Putra.

When confirmed, Lurah Agata will directly monitor the distribution of social assistance in the community so that there are no games in the field.

"In the future, this matter must be monitored directly from the kelurahan and the PKK coordinator. This must be monitored closely so that there is no bias and games in the field," said Lurah Agata to VOI reporters, Tuesday, August 03.

Agata also appealed to residents in the area if they found any more extortion practices, they could report it directly to the Mangga Dua Selatan Village.

"If it is found, it will immediately report to the Lurah. We will guard the identity of the residents. The nature of the kelurahan is to mediate in the sense that the problem is we find a solution together. We will call individuals and will not reveal their identities," he said.

Regarding the information about the Rukun Tetangga (RT) in the South Mangga Dua area who is suspected of committing extortion to the residents, the Lurah will guide the community administrators so that this incident does not happen again.

"For coaching, we emphasize again to the management to be more serious and avoid extortion. In particular, the administrators of all devices in the South Mangga Dua sub-district," he said.

Even so, Agata invites its citizens if they have evidence of an indication of extortion, they can report it.

"If there are residents who have evidence, just report it. We will call the person later and we will refer it to Pergub 171," he briefly told VOI.

Previously reported, RT individuals in the RW 09 area of Mangga Dua Selatan Village, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta were suspected of committing extortion against recipients of the Family Hope Program (PKH) assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos).

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