MEDAN - A Rohingya refugee died due to exposure to COVID-19. The refugee died after undergoing 2 days of treatment at USU Hospital, Medan.

The head of the Medan Rudenim, Vencentius Purwo Hendratmoko, said the refugee who died was a 48-year-old male.

The Rohingya refugee in Medan died on Sunday, August 1. The man was previously placed at the Pelangi Hotel, Medan Tuntungan District, Medan City.

"Died at USU hospital due to Covid-19 yesterday. Around 17:00 WIB. The funeral was buried this afternoon," Vencentius said when confirmed by reporters, Monday, August 2.

Vencentius refused to reveal the identity of the Rohingya refugee. However, he said, the body had been buried at the COVID-19 Special Public Cemetery (TPU) in Simalingkar.

"I can not provide information, there must be a decision from the center," he said.

Meanwhile, Spokesperson for the Medan City Covid-19 Task Force (Satgas), Mardohar Tambunan, confirmed the Rohingya refugees who died from COVID-19.

"It's a process in the ministry and the provincial sector, but that's okay, it's still the same. We'll keep the data later. We've also taken the 3T steps, and this is already on our way," said Mardohar.

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