JAKARTA - Government Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19 Reisa Brotoasmoro reminded the public to use double masks, namely to coat surgical masks with cloth masks. This is useful for increasing the filter capacity of the mask up to two times.

"The filtration or filter power of masks will be higher. Research by Dr. Emily Sickbert Bennet et al. proves that double mask filtration is above 80 percent," said Reisa, quoted from a written statement, Monday, August 2.

In addition, research on the use of cloth masks and medical masks at the same time has also been confirmed by the United States Control Disease Center (CDC) after they conducted experiments.

From this study, it was found that the use of cloth masks over medical masks can improve the suitability of medical masks on the face. Medical masks substantially reduce droplet drop while cloth masks make them more tightly bound.

Thus, these two masks prevent open spaces in the face area and can withstand exposure to aerosol articles when the user is in a closed room with other people.

The CDC study also found medical masks were looser than respirator masks like the N95. However, this type of mask can be increased in effectiveness by ensuring that the medical mask fits properly following the curve of the face and it is recommended to make a knot so that it is attached more tightly.

"The study stated that the recipient's exposure was maximally reduced, by more than 95 percent when the source and receiver were equipped with double masks," said Reisa.

Furthermore, he also reminded the public to be required to wear masks like the call of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). This invitation, known as universal masking, said Reisa, could slow the spread of COVID-19.

"The CDC also states that before population immunity can be achieved thanks to vaccination programs, Universal Masking is a very effective way to slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2," he explained.

However, this can be achieved if all people are disciplined to use masks without exception. Moreover, based on the findings of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, the national compliance rate for wearing masks has only reached 91 percent.

"For those who have not been disciplined to wear masks, let's respect the rights of others to stay healthy and be responsible citizens," he concluded.

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