MEDAN - The joint SAR team managed to find the body of Rendi (12) a boy from Sei Beras Sekata Village, Sunggal District, Deli Serdang Regency who was swept away by the Belawan river.

The victim's body was found after a joint team searched for 3 days. Rendi was declared missing, swept away by the current of the Belawan River while bathing with his friends.

The head of the Medan Search and Rescue Office, Toto Mulyono, said the victim was found at around 11.22 WIB, dead.

"It is about 25 km from the initial location where the victim was swept away, but we found the victim dead," he said, Sunday, August 1.

Toto said the search for victims was carried out starting from the initial location of the victims drifting towards the downstream of the river. The victim was initially found stranded on the riverbank by residents.

"When the team found it, they were still searching the upper reaches of the river, possibly because the rain last night caused the victim to be swept away by the river currents quite far," he explained.

After receiving information that the victim was found, the joint team immediately went to the location and evacuated the victim.

"The victim was then handed over to the family," he said.

The incident began when the victim and three of his colleagues were bathing in the Belawan River, precisely in the vicinity of the Sri Gunting housing estate, Sunggal District, Deli Serdang Regency.

Shortly after taking a bath, the victim's colleague did not see the victim's whereabouts so it was suspected that the victim was swept away by the river current. Knowing this, the victim's colleague immediately reported the incident to the local village apparatus.

Furthermore, village officials and the community conducted a search but until nightfall, the victim had not been found.

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