JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government is still holding back on distributing cash social assistance (BST) stages 5 and 6 to 99,450 beneficiary families (KPM). From 1,007,379 targets, DKI has only distributed BST to 907,616 KPM.

Head of the DKI Social Service, Premi Lasari, explained that the reason the Provincial Government withheld the distribution of BST was because nearly 100 thousand KPMs were registered in the targets of the two distributors, namely the DKI Provincial Government and the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos).

Premium is worried that if the DKI Provincial Government distributes BST to the 99,450 duplicate data, they will also receive BST from the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"The 99,450 KPM are double data from the Ministry of Social Affairs, so we cannot give the money before validation," said Premi on Friday, July 30.

Premi admitted that the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan had sent a letter regarding the certainty of the double data so that residents affected by COVID-19 and who were the target recipients of all assistance could immediately receive BST.

"The governor has written to the Minister of Social Affairs to ask for confirmation of data by name, address, who receives it," he said.

Premi continued, the DKI Provincial Government will immediately disburse the BST if the double data matching has been completed.

Then, if there is indeed duplication of data with the BST recipients of the Ministry of Social Affairs, the recipients of the assistance will be eliminated from the target of the DKI Provincial Government.

For information, the Ministry of Social Affairs distributed BST to 837,000 Jakarta residents. Unlike the DKI Provincial Government which uses ATMs, the Ministry of Social Affairs distributes assistance directly to homes through PT Pos Indonesia officers.

BST from the DKI Provincial Government is distributed to people in five administrative cities and the Thousand Islands Regency with details, Central Jakarta as many as 50,526 KPM, North Jakarta as many as 181,367 KPM, South Jakarta as much as 142,029 KPM, East Jakarta as much as 457,250 KPM, West Jakarta as much as 73,948 KPM and the Thousand Islands as many as 2,496 KPM.

The BST distributed from the DKI Provincial Government and the Ministry of Social Affairs is Rp. 300 thousand per month. The government distributes two months at once, namely the period of May and June. Thus, the recipient gets a BST of RP600 thousand.

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