JAKARTA - The statement by the President of the United States (US) Joe Biden, which alludes to the projection of Jakarta sinking and the relocation of the capital city, does not need to be overreacted. The government should focus on handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

"First, be calm. The context of external input must be seen. It can be accepted and can be studied. We do it on the basis of national interests," said PKS DPP chairman Mardani Ali Sera, Saturday, July 31. "Secondly, you don't have to be reactive," he continued.

According to the member of Commission II of the DPR, Joe Biden's statement is used as input that should be studied more deeply. However, because it is still a pandemic, it is better for the government to focus on controlling COVID-19.

"We thank you for the input. But we will decide according to the data, facts, analysis and our national interests. Third, focus on the pandemic that is in front of our eyes," said Mardani.

Mardani considered that Biden's statement regarding the sinking of Jakarta was studied so that suggestions from other countries were not followed arbitrarily because it could pose a danger. In this case, the mode of the statement needs to be explored.

"It is necessary to explore what the modus operandi is. In geopolitical theory, it is necessary to look at the context and framework of an action from another country. It is dangerous if suggestions from other countries are immediately followed. Inputs are considered. Whether or not the case is accepted, there must be further study," said Mardani.

Previously, Joe Biden mentioned that Jakarta is projected to sink in the next 10 years. Biden made the statement while visiting the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Quoted from the official website of the White House, Friday, July 30, the statement was delivered in his remarks in front of leaders of intelligence services in the US.

Joe Biden said the sea level continues to rise. He revealed, in the future, many people will migrate and fight over fertile land. Biden cited North Africa as an example and mentioned Indonesia.

"But what happens, what happens in Indonesia if the projections are right that, in the next 10 years, they may have to move the capital city because they will be underwater?" he said.

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