KUPANG - The East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Police have arrested seven perpetrators of cattle theft in Kupang Regency and its surroundings.

"They were threatened with a five-year prison sentence, due to the unlawful acts committed by this gang," said Head of Public Relations of the NTT Police, Kombes Rishian Krisna B, to reporters in Kupang, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 30.

The seven suspects who were threatened with five years in prison include Polce, Je'u, Rio, Natan, Agus, Hans and Anton. Five of them have addresses in Kupang City, one in Rote Ndao Regency and one in Kupang Regency.

The seven perpetrators who have been designated as suspects, continued Krisna, subject to Article 363 paragraph (1) to 1e, 3e and 4e of the Criminal Code, subsidiary to Article 480 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) to 1e of the Criminal Code concerning the crime of theft.

"Their modus operandi is to sell stolen animals to collectors to get money in order to use them for their daily needs," said Krisna.

The arrests of the seven suspects for the theft of livestock were made on Wednesday, July 28, after the police received many reports of cases of cattle theft in recent months.

They were arrested by the Resmob unit, Sub-Directorate of 3 Jatanras, Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the NTT Police. The gang carried out its action in the village of Sumlili, West Kupang District, Kupang Regency.

"The police received many reports and complaints from the public regarding the theft of cattle in Kupang Regency and Kupang City, so an investigation was carried out," said Krisna.

The police then followed Je'u, who was suspected of being an accomplice to a network of cattle theft kingpins who often operated in the Kupang City and Kupang Districts.

"The suspects together used 3 motorbikes to go to Sumlili Village to steal two cows belonging to the victims," said the Head of Public Relations.

The police then slaughtered the two stolen cows in a rice field by the roadside of Sumlili Village. They separate the beef from the skin and bones. The suspects only brought beef. Meanwhile, the cow's head and bones were not taken by the suspects.

The meat was sold again by Polce to Anton at a price of Rp. 60,000 per kilogram. The total weight of the meat carried was 180 kilograms.

Polce hopes that when all the meat is sold, the money will be distributed by the Polce suspect to other suspects. However, before being sold the suspects were immediately arrested.

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