SURABAYA - The death rate of patients exposed to COVID-19 in East Java reached 19,992 people. About 30 percent of them died while self-isolating (isoman) at home.

"From our death update, about 30 percent of COVID-19 patients died while isoman," said Joni Wahyuhadi, chairman of the curative group for the East Java COVID-19 Handling Task Force, confirmed on Friday, July 30.

However, Joni asked for the data to be verified again. Because, he said, they could die of a heart attack or other diseases.

"So actually it needs to be clarified again, because dying outside the hospital is not necessarily Covid-19, it could also be lung, heart and other infections," he said.

The man who is also the President Director of RSUD dr. Soetomo said that most of the patients who died in hospitals were currently infected with the delta variant of COVID-19 from India. According to Joni, this new variant is more contagious with more acute symptoms.

"There are quite a lot of patients who have died in hospitals lately, there are even more than 300 due to the new variant of the COVID-19 disease. This seems to spread more quickly and the symptoms are acute," he said.

The current condition of COVID-19, said Joni, is not like it used to be. He explained that in the past 70 percent died while being treated in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), meaning that 30 percent died outside the ICU. It is now revealed that 48 percent died in the Emergency Room (IGD).

"Now 48 percent die in the emergency room, this means the disease is more virulent, be careful. The medicine is preventive, don't get infected," he said.

Based on data from the East Java COVID-19 Task Force, as many as 28,493 people in East Java were isolated after being exposed to COVID-19. A total of 27,910 people are self-isolating (isoman) at home and 583 people are isolated in buildings.

Of the 27,910 isoman people, the highest area is Surabaya with 6,550 people. The second highest area is Malang Regency with 2,588 people, 2,577 people in Gresik, and 2,086 people in Malang City.

Then as many as 1,727 people in Sidoarjo, 1,530 in Ponorogo Regency, 988 in Lumajang, 957 in Jombang, 924 in Kediri Regency, 768 in Nganjuk, and other areas an average of 100 to 500 people isoman. There are only four areas where there are no isoman people, namely the Regencies of Mojokerto, Madiun, Sumenep, and Probolinggo.

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