JAKARTA - Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, conveyed recommendations regarding the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic to the government.

In the recommendation, the FK Unair Professor asked the government to strengthen assistance for self-isolated patients by optimizing telemedicine services, including equipping oximeters and other facilities.

Then, the COVID-19 Task Force at the local level such as RT/RW must be strengthened to consistently educate health protocols to open hotlines that can be contacted in emergency situations.

"Attention needs to be given to vulnerable groups in society, namely the elderly, pregnant women, infants, children, people with comorbidities and caution in family clusters," said FK Unair Professor Hendy Hendarto in an online seminar, Friday, July 30.

Hendy said that COVID-19 had triggered a health crisis and caused uncertainty and could not be predicted. Therefore, all parties must put themselves in an emergency situation.

"Quick action must be taken, which is based on crisis management that prioritizes priority and urgency in an effort to move together to reduce uncertainty as low as possible," said Hendy.

Hendy said it was necessary to add more health workers as a solution to current problems, but still pay attention to the welfare of health workers.

According to him, the addition of health workers could be through the utilization of general practitioners, interns, doctors who graduated from UKMPPD, including paramedics to become COVID-19 volunteers.

It's just that, said Hendy, previously there had to be training in accordance with applicable regulations and coordinating with IDI, Hospitals and the Ministry of Health.

"Participants of the Specialist Doctors Education Program (PPDS) together with the DPJP are expected to participate in overcoming the pandemic problem through service programs at hospitals, but still do not eliminate their right to exams and their education period," he explained.

Hendry also said that the hospital must ensure the safety of health workers while working by completing Personal Protective Equipment according to standards. In addition, adding mortuary facilities and infrastructure, including cranes, hearses and training for proper and honorable funerals.

"Proper incentive support for the relocation of corpses, ambulance drivers, nursing assistants, IT, and administration related to COVID-19," said Hendy.

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