PAPUA - Incidents of vandalism of campus facilities and the mistreatment of an administrative officer at the University of Papua have worsened after the police received material from the statements of 15 witnesses.

The Manokwari Police Chief AKBP Dadang Kurniawan Winjaya through the Assistant Criminal Investigation Unit II Aipda Persli Nahuway in Manokwari, Friday, explained that his party had asked for their statements as witnesses in the anarchist demonstration on the Unipa campus, last July 21.

Those being investigated, said Nahuway, consist of the assistant rector, lecturers and administrative staff.

To complete the case file, the Criminal Investigation Team still needs additional information from two witnesses from among the students before determining the suspect.

"We will immediately conduct a case for determining the suspect in the anarchist demonstration case on the Unipa campus after the examination of two additional witnesses from student representatives," he said.

Previously, the Chancellor of the University of Papua Meky Sagrim together with the University Senate decided to support police law enforcement against unscrupulous students and other parties who took part in the anarchist demonstration.

Meky Sagrim also said that the University of Papua is a state asset that functions to create a reliable generation for the future of Papua and Indonesia.

"This is a state campus, a state asset that should be protected because of the campus' contribution to producing intellectuals to serve the people, the land of Papua and Indonesia," said the Chancellor in a press conference recently.

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