JAKARTA - All stalls in the Jakarta market will be open on June 15, both for non-food traders and food sellers, which previously remained open. With notes, there is an odd-even application for market traders to minimize the transmission of COVID-19.

PD Pasar Jaya President Director Arief Nasruddin explained that the odd-even implementation is to open half the market every day. The kiosks with odd numbers operate on odd dates, while the even-numbered kiosks operate on even dates.

"For example, the 1st means odd, odd means the odd number of kiosks that are open. Response 2 is even, meaning the number of kiosks are even open," said Arief in a virtual teleconference with Jakarta City Hall journalists, Thursday, June 11.

Arief said PD Pasar Jaya could not move half of the merchant stalls as a solution so that it could accommodate all of the kiosks while still running physical distancing.

This is because there is no longer usable land in Jakarta. Moreover, the number of market traders in DKI reaches more than 100 thousand people.

"It is impossible for us to do it (placing a kiosk) on the market yard, because there are various elements of market visitors in Jakarta, some use cars. Our vehicles and space are not enough," said Arief.

"Therefore, Jakarta continues to use buildings. Why should it be a building, because that is the building that can make us protect the number of visitors by implementing an even number of kiosks," he added.

In addition, he said there would be a mandatory implementation of health protocols for traders. Traders are required to wear face shields to prevent transmission of the corona virus in the market area.

Arief continued, PD Pasar Jaya is also tightening the doors by reducing the entrance to the market, providing hand sanitizers and checking body temperature, and spraying in the Market area once every two weeks.

"Then, the traders are confirmed to use masks. Hopefully, this is part of a practice action to anticipate the spread of COVID-19 in the market," said Arief.

For information, as many as 52 traders from 19 traditional markets in Jakarta were confirmed positive for COVID-19. Dozens of market traders previously underwent rapid tests and showed reactivity, then carried out PCR swab tests and were confirmed positive.

Data on additional positive cases of traditional market traders is still ongoing. Based on data held by the Indonesian Market Traders Association (Ikappi), this morning there were 51 cases. Meanwhile, during the day it increased to 51. Meanwhile, there are still several markets awaiting the results of the PCR swab test.

"Of the 19 markets, 1418 traders have been tested. Then the results were found there were 6 markets. A total of 52 people were exposed. The remaining 10 markets are still waiting for results, 3 markets were declared negative from the checking," said Arief.

Here are 19 markets that have undergone the COVID-19 test:

1. Lontar Market 2. Gondangdia Market 3. Petojo Enclek Market 4. Serdang Market 5. Rawasari Market 6. West Tomang Market 7. Slipi Market 8. Cijantung Market9. Ciracas Market 10. Palmerah Market 11. Klender Perumnas Market 12. Pesanggrahan Market 13. Kebayoran Lama Market 14. Pondok Labu Market 15. Warung Buncit Market 16. Sunday Market 17. Lenteng Agung Market 18. Kelapa Gading Market 19. UPB Parent Kramat Jati

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