JAKARTA - The high risk of transmission of COVID-19 is in the spotlight in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) solidarity action. The Australian government even gave stern warnings to citizens who participated in the action. In fact, the authorities have stipulated fines for anyone who violates the protocol for preventing the transmission of the corona virus in the BLM action.

Launching Reuters, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison immediately announced the determination of this fine. He explained that the fines were imposed after the Australian government found an increase in transmission rates after a wave of demonstrations in Sydney, Melbourne and other cities last weekend.

"We don't actually know whether the protests at the weekend might have caused the outbreak," Morrison told 2GB Radio.

New South Wales Police Commissioner, Mick Fuller, has alerted his members to take to the field when there are protests. “We have started preparing fines tickets for one thousand Australian dollars and we will give it our all. If you don't move, then you will be arrested. "

However, not a few Australians think the warning is just a joke by the government. This is because the BLM movement does not only talk about anti-racism extensively. They also touched on the government's past sins related to the persecution and murder of indigenous Australians, Aborigines.

Moreover, the government recently rejected the BLM movement's suggestion of demolishing statues of Australian leaders, including the first Australian Prime Minister, Edmund Barton, who was involved in the abolition of Aboriginal rights. As a result, Morrison considers this to be influenced by a political agenda and very far from its original goal, namely demanding justice.

So far Australia has confirmed 7,274 cases of COVID-19 transmission. Among them, there were 102 cases died.

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