JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo reviewed the mass vaccination of workers or laborers today, Thursday, July 29.

The National Police Chief conveyed that workers or laborers who are members of essential and critical sector companies are given the opportunity to continue to produce, provided they comply with health protocols (prokes).

To maximize these production activities, the National Police Chief said that the need for a vaccination program to strengthen the protection of workers and laborers so as not to be exposed to COVID-19.

"We know that currently fellow workers, especially those who are members of export companies, are given the opportunity to produce their products by following the prokes. One of the other efforts to maximize the activity is to carry out a vaccination program and it is hoped that colleagues will have a higher level of immunity against COVID attacks, ' said the National Police Chief in an official statement.

According to the National Police Chief, the role of workers is indispensable to jointly tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia, as per the policies issued by the Government. Considering that in the fight against the corona virus today, synergy and hand in hand with all stakeholders are needed.

On the other hand, said the National Police Chief, to prevent and suppress the growth rate of COVID-19, all elements including workers must also implement health protocols with a very disciplined manner. For example, such as 5M (Wearing a mask, Washing hands with soap and running water, Keeping a distance, Staying away from crowds, and Limiting mobilization and interaction).

With the vaccination program for the workers, the former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police hopes that the workers or laborers can work optimally, so that economic growth will improve.

"We have adjusted this program not only here but also in the regions to jointly implement the vaccination acceleration of fellow workers and we hope that fellow workers can work optimally and economic growth will be better," he said. Even though he has been vaccinated, the National Police Chief still asks workers or laborers to comply with health protocols by wearing masks, maintaining distance and washing hands.

Meanwhile, KSPSI President Andi Gani Nena Wea thanked the National Police for the cooperation in the vaccination program. He also said that this vaccination program would be carried out in other areas.

"Thank you, the National Police Chief. This program will be carried out in several areas. This precision vaccine greatly forms herd immunity. Salute to the National Police," he said.

The total vaccination target is 14,600 people with a daily vaccination target of 1,250 people from the general public, employees of PT Victory Ching Luh Pasar Kemis, and members of KSPSI.

The total vaccine prepared in this activity is 19,500 doses of the Sinovac type from the Metro Jaya Regional Police Biddokes 5,000 doses, the National Police Headquarters 5,000 doses, the Tangerang Regency Government 9,500 doses.

The number of vaccinators involved in this activity was 57 people, consisting of 25 vaccinators from the National Police and 32 vaccinators from volunteers. In this activity, 2,500 packages of social assistance were also distributed to workers or laborers and the general public.

This mass vaccination was organized by PT. Ching Luh is collaborating with the All-Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPSI) and the National Police from 28 July to 4 August 2021.

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