JAKARTA – The Jayapura-Wamena Trans National Road in Elelim District has finally opened after two weeks of being blocked. The road opening was carried out on Thursday, July 29.

The roadblocks were carried out by masses of supporters of the Yalimo Regent and Deputy Regent candidate pair number 01 Erdi Dabi-Jhon Wilil who were dissatisfied with the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) related to the dispute over the results of the Yalimo election.

As a result of the refusal, the mob set fire to several offices and kiosks in the Elelim district on Tuesday, June 29. A number of government buildings were also burned, including the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) Office, General Election Commission (KPU) Office, BPMK Office, Transportation Service Office, Health Service Office, DPRD Office, Gakkumdu Office and Bank Papua. The masses also closed access to the Trans Jayapura road to Wamena and vice versa.

From this incident, 1,349 people fled to the Yalimo Police Station and the Elelim Koramil. After negotiations between Dandim 1702/JWY and the Yalimo Police Chief on 5 July 2021 with the supporters of Paslon, the refugees were allowed to leave Kab. Yalimo to Kab. Jayawijaya.

The Commander of Korem 172/PWY Brigadier General Izak Pangemanan who was contacted via his cell phone confirmed that according to the results of communication with all the supporters in the Pemalangan location, the Cross will be opened for 3 hours to provide an opportunity for all vehicles stuck in Elelim City to leave for Wamena.

"The opening of the bar begins with a meeting in the Yalimo district secretary's room which was attended by the Yalimo district secretary Drs. Isak Yando, SE. M.Si, Dandim 1702/Jayawijaya Lieutenant Colonel Inf. Arif Budi Situmeang, S.IP, M. Tr(Han) , Yalimo Police Chief AKBP Hesman Sotarduga Napitupulu, SH, S.IK, MH, Nahor Nekwek, S.Pd, DPRD member Elia Yare (a DPRD member), tribal chief Yoses Mabel and Kamende Wandik," said TNI Brigadier General Izak Pangemanan in an official statement to VOI, Thursday, July 29. At the meeting, the Secretary of State said that the governance conditions in Yalimo were a bit difficult due to the developing political situation, many ASNs were also divided into certain Paslon camps and the regional financial condition did not allow for a re-election.

"Currently, what is our common concern is centered on handling the COVID-19 pandemic and supporting the implementation of PON XX. For this reason, the TNI-Polri together with community leaders can bridge the gap to open roadblocks," he said.

Through Dandim 1702/Jayawijaya, the TNI is ready to support all local government policies so that the wheels of government can run well, where to support everything so that all access can be opened. By inviting people to speak from heart to heart so that vehicles that are stuck in Elelim can be removed to Wamena.

Based on the agreement between Forkopimda and the supporters of the candidate pair, at around 15:00 WIT, as many as 147 vehicles consisting of 96 trucks and 51 Strada units that had been stuck for 2 weeks in Elelim were able to cross the road to Wamena.

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