JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) stated that the implementation of distance education (PJJ) must be carried out in a fun way.

"Fun learning makes students not feel bored, even though learning is done online," said Junus Simangunsong, Junior Expert Policy Analyst of the Directorate General of PAUD Dikdasmen Kemendikbudristek, at a media briefing in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, July 29.

The fun learning consists of several aspects, namely that students are involved in all learning processes, contextual or interesting if they are related to the needs of students and real needs, feedback or students feel cared for, valued and children receive input and gain value.

Furthermore, learning is done by learning and playing and practicing directly.

"Lastly, it is meaningful, which is the message and meaning of the learning to be conveyed and useful for students," he explained.

In the implementation of PJJ, he continued, learning and assessment are also carried out in an integrated manner, which consists of assessment of learning outcomes, diagnostic assessments and the learning process itself.

He also recommended that schools routinely carry out periodic assessments to monitor the impact of the pandemic on students.

The monitoring aims to monitor students who have the most potential to be left behind. Non-cognitive assessment is aimed at measuring the psychological and emotional aspects of children, students' psychological and social well-being, activities during learning from home, and students' family conditions.

While the cognitive diagnostic assessment aims to test the competence and learning achievement of children, identify the competency achievements of students, the results of the assessment become the basis for the choice of learning strategies, and provide remedial or additional lessons for the most lagging participants.

"This assessment must be carried out periodically, so that schools can find out the condition of students during the COVID-19 pandemic," he added.

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