JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko demanded an apology from Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) for his alleged involvement with PT Harsen Laboratories which is the producer of the drug Ivermectin.

This was conveyed by Moeldoko's attorney, Otto Hasibuan.

In addition, Moeldoko also demanded that ICW researcher Egi Primayogha submit evidence for the accusations which he considered slander.

"I give ICW and Brother Egi the opportunity within 24 hours to prove his allegation that our client is involved in the distribution of Ivermectin," Otto said in an online press conference, Thursday, July 29.

According to him, the opportunity was given so that Moeldoko would not be seen as using his power arbitrarily.

"So if we convey this press release within 24 hours to ICW and Brother Egi does not prove his accusations and does not withdraw his words and statements, he is also not willing to publicly apologize to our client, very regretfully, we will report it," said Otto.

Otto Hasibuan

He said that Moeldoko was actually reluctant to resolve this accusation through legal channels. However, a number of accusations made by Egi in the last press conference were not true or slanderous.

Otto explained that his client had never had any connection with PT Harsen, which is the manufacturer of the drug Ivermectin. Moeldoko, he continued, did not own shares or sit on the board of directors.

This rebuttal was also conveyed in relation to allegations that Moeldoko's daughter, Joanina Novinda Rachma, was said to be close to PT Harsen Laboratories. According to Otto, Joanina does sit as a shareholder in PT Noorpay Perkasa but the company has nothing to do with pharmaceutical products or the rice export business.

Not only that, this lawyer also denied that Moeldoko was looking for profit from the rice business while serving as the Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association (HKTI).

"Thus, we can conclude that Mr. Moeldoko has nothing to do with the Ivermectin business, the circulation of ivermectin, and has nothing to do with rice imports as mentioned by ICW and Egi in their press release and discussions held," explained Otto.

"Therefore, through this statement, ICW has accused and formed an opinion as if our client as a staff member to the president had carried out a rice export business and profited from the circulation of invermectin when in fact that was not true," he concluded.

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