BANYUWANGI - A resident named Toso (50) was reported missing in the Curah Gulung river, Seneporejo Village, Siliragung District, Banyuwangi.

At that time Toso said goodbye to his friend to take a shower. But when searched only found the victim's clothes on the river bank.

The residents then conducted a search with the Banyuwangi Basarnas. After a search, the victim was found.

Head of the Banyuwangi Basarnas Post, Wahyu Setya Budi, said that his party received the report at around 19:00 WIB, Wednesday, July 28. The search team then went to the scene of the incident.

Today, the search bore fruit and the victim was declared dead.

"At 11.15 WIB the victim was found and evacuated by the SAR team in a state of death," he said when contacted, Thursday, July 29.

The victim was found at a distance of 10 meters from the location reported missing. The victim was then taken to the Genteng Hospital.

"With the discovery of the victim, the SAR operation is closed and the SAR elements involved return to their respective units," he said.

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